Thursday, January 5, 2017

What do you want to learn, most of all?

What expectations do you have of this course?

If you came out from this course, what specifically do you feel would benefit you to learn?

Write in the comments.


  1. Some things I hope to learn from this course is being able to draw from life more efficiently, without needing to take a picture or spend excessive amounts of time on it. I don't have any expectations necessarily, other than my hopes to improve/expand upon my abilities by the end of the course.

  2. Honestly, I'm very nervous about taking this class because I have no experience whatsoever in drawing (besides doodling in my notes), but I know that the only thing I can do is improve. So, my basic expectations of this course are to better understand the processes behind drawing a realistic image and to grow more confident about my skills in drawing.

  3. My hopes for this class is to improve my technique. I would like to understand how to draw from different perspectives and learn how to better show the source of lighting in my drawings to make them more realistic. I am very nervous about drawing on the spot and only having 3 hours to complete a drawing but through this process I hope to be able to loosen up and just draw without hesitation or insecurity. I would also like to gain the habit of keeping up a sketchbook.

  4. Through this class, I hope that I can more methods of drawing and using different mediums effectively. I also want to learn more about perspective and be able to express it well on paper. The skill that will probably benefit me the most is the ability to see something and quickly draw it, and to become better at creating ideas.

  5. I am looking forward to becoming more confident in my drawing ability and understanding techniques I can use to draw my surroundings. Going into this class with minimal experience (one drawing class when I was young), I am a little worried, but hopefully through practice I will significantly improve.

  6. I would really like to learn more about the mechanics and techniques behind drawing, especially shading. Drawing is definitely one of my weaker skills as an artist and hopefully with practice I can improve.

  7. I expect the class to be very frustrating for a perfectionist that enjoys drawing in pen. I often feel that drawing doesn't come as naturally to me as sculpture does, so I'm excited for the challenge of improving and really just hoping to learn as much as I can.

  8. Photography has been my main art medium for many years. I am interested in learning how the relationship between light and shadow can create a new and more dynamic composition using everyday materials.
