Friday, January 13, 2017

Interior Spaces + Eyballing (Homework Due Wed)

Hi all, these are some examples I've found that would serve you well with your homework assignment this upcoming week. Remember your assignment:

Due Week 3
Shape Composition: Make a series of studies of interiors (3 x 4”) with or without figures. Begin each sketch with a rectangle representing the edges of your composition. Reduce the composition to its most basic shapes and lay these in before proceeding further, adjusting their forms until they make a strong design. Add smaller shapes, fitting them into those already there. Add tone or detail, retaining a strong role for the shape.

Sketchbook: Eyeballing
Practice eyeballing angles and proportions of receding rectangles, checking your measurements with the dowel technique. Remember that the farther of two equal edges will seem smaller. See if you can construct believable receding planes in your sketchbook based on the principles studied.

This assignment is meant to be similar to what we did in class, combining your use of gesture to capture the scene before you, measuring the angles and proportions using your measuring dowel (pencils, easily), and creating a realistic perspective for the space.

I want to see at least 4-5 pages FILLED (16-20 drawings, individually) with interior spaces. 

For the eyeballing exercise - I want to see you just creating receding planes and shapes in space from what you see - notebooks, boxes, tables, chairs, etc. 

Whatever is around you!

You'll be doing the same amount of these drawings as the interior spaces (4-5 pages, filled with perspective drawings of planes and geometric objects)

Do this exercise by drawing what you see as best you can, "Eyeballing" it, to capture the perspective of the objects. Then you will measure them with your dowel tool to see how closely you've managed to capture it.

Examples below, though I don't expect you to be using the perspective lines and one-point/two-point grids as these show. But this is the first step towards this!

Image result for perspective planesRelated image
Image result for perspective planes

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