Thursday, February 8, 2018

Vanishing Point, Perspective, and Foreshortening

The Vanishing point of a drawing in Perspective exists on the Horizon Line

The first step to creating a Horizon Line is to understand where your eye-level is, parallel to the ground.
  • This can be done by pointing straight outward and raising your hand to the point at which your hand touches the center of your vision when your head is held straight and eyes forward.

Note the point at which the vehicles and the road does or does not pass the eye-level in this photo.

Extending the eye level as a line, through space, as objects (or people) recede within it.
You can note that even the distant figures align with the viewer's eye-level. 
  • Despite the distance, the objects do not grow or shrink in size
  • Therefore it is reasonable to assume that something which is at your own eye-level near to you will also sit on the eye-level (therein Horizon Line) at a distance as well.
Image result for how to create a 1-point perspective drawing

In this example, the eye level is where? Indicate it as you observe it, think about where it might be in this image!

This is a 1-point perspective hallway. 
Note how the wall nearest to the observer is a flat, horizontal line. 


Now try to indicate where on this image the Vanishing Point exists, as it rest ON the Horizon Line

When the observer's viewpoint is raised or lowered, the horizon line (as an indication of observer's position in space) will likewise raise or lower. 

Refer to earlier posts to see the variety of perspectives and vanishing points that can exist.

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